State of Wisconsin
Department of Health Services


The policy on this page is from a previous version of the handbook. 

17-01 Version of 41.5 Eligibility Begin Date

BadgerCare Plus Prenatal Program eligibility begins no sooner than the first of the month in which a valid applicationA request for BadgerCare Plus coverage. The request must be on the Department's application or registration form and must contain name, address, and a valid signature. The applicant must submit a signed and completed application form to complete the application process. is received.

Pregnant non-qualifying immigrants who are not eligible for the BadgerCare Plus Prenatal Program should have Emergency Services eligibility determined according to policy in Chapter 39 Emergency Services.

This page last updated in Release Number: 17-01
Release Date: 04/11/2017
Effective Date: 04/11/2017

The information concerning the BadgerCare Plus program provided in this handbook release is published in accordance with: Titles XI, XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act; Parts 430 through 481 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter 49 of the Wisconsin Statutes; and Chapters HA 3, DHS 2 and 101 through 109 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.

Publication Number: P-10171