24-01 Version of 43.2 Financial Tests

There is no asset test for Tuberculosis (TB)-Related Medicaid.

The income limit for one adult is $1,971. For a married couple, the limit is $2,915. A person’s income is determined using Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) budgeting rules (see Section 2.3 Modified Adjusted Gross Income Test Group, Section 2.8 Modified Adjusted Gross Income Counting Rules, and Section 16 Income).

For children infected with TB, income must be budgeted using MAGI rules, the same way it is for children applying for BadgerCare Plus (see Section 2.3 Modified Adjusted Gross Income Test Group). If a child is determined ineligible for BadgerCare Plus, the countable MAGI income for the child is tested against the TB-related Medicaid individual monthly income limit of $1,971. If the countable monthly MAGI income for the child is at or less than $1,971 and the child meets all other TB-related Medicaid eligibility criteria, the child is eligible for TB-Related Medicaid. This income limit applies to each child no matter how many persons are in the assistance group.

Example 1 Mary and her spouse George are both applying for TB-related Medicaid. Test Mary and George as one MAGI Test Group. Test their MAGI income against the income limit for a married couple.


Example 2 Greg is a 20-year-old with TB and is applying for BadgerCare Plus. Greg lives with his dad, Barry, and is Barry’s tax dependent. Under MAGI budgeting rules, Barry and Greg are one MAGI Test Group and we must count Barry’s MAGI income (which includes Greg’s income if he is required to file taxes). The monthly MAGI income for Barry and Greg is $1,800, which is 106% of the FPL for a group of two. This makes Greg ineligible for BadgerCare Plus as a childless adult. However, that same MAGI income amount is less than the $1,971 TB income limit for an unmarried individual, which makes Greg eligible for TB-Related Medicaid.

This page last updated in Release Number: 24-01
Release Date: 04/03/2024
Effective Date: 01/01/2024