State of Wisconsin |
Release 24-03 |
7 CFR 273.6
A food unit participating in or applying for FoodShare must provide the SSN of each food unit member who is requesting benefits. Failure to provide an SSN disqualifies the person from participating in the FoodShare program. An applicant does not need to provide a document or Social Security card. They only need to provide a number, which is verified through data exchanges. If a member has more than one number, all numbers must be provided. Verify the SSN only once.
Persons without an SSN must apply for one before certification. Agencies must assist any person that requests help with applying for an SSN. Assisting the applicant or member includes helping to file the Application for a Social Security Card form (SS-5) and obtaining a birth certificate or other document needed for a successful enumeration process. If the applicant or member has applied for an SSN, they have satisfied the SSN application requirement for eligibility.
They must provide the SSN or proof of application within 30 days of the FoodShare application. Proof of an SSN application can be documentation from the SSA or collateral contact with the person that assisted with the SSN application.
In cases where an application for SSN has been filed with the Social Security Administration, an SSN must be provided by the time of the next FoodShare renewal or FoodShare eligibility will be terminated for that person. In addition, if eligibility for another program pends for an SSN and the SSN application date on file is six months or older, eligibility for FoodShare will also pend. Members must be given a minimum of 10 days to provide an SSN, but if they do not, FoodShare eligibility must be terminated for that person.
Immigrants ineligible for Department of Homeland Security (DHS) work authorization are not eligible for an SSN unless they have a valid nonwork reason (POMS Rm 10211.600). Eligibility for FoodShare is a valid nonwork reason to obtain an SSN.
When an applicant(s) meets all FoodShare financial and non-financial eligibility criteria except an SSN, DHS sends a letter supporting the request for a nonwork SSN. Agencies must review the applicant’s non-financial and financial eligibility to ensure full eligibility before requesting a Nonwork SSN Letter. This includes receiving second and third level verification results through SAVE if applicable.
The Nonwork SSN Letter states that the applicant meets all requirements for FoodShare except for having a SSN. This letter meets the SSA criteria as detailed in SSA POMS RM 10211.600, “Request for an SSN from a Noncitizen without Work Authorization.”
The letter and additional guidance are mailed to the applicant(s), who then presents the letter during their enumeration appointment with their Social Security Administration (SSA) representative.
When the SSN validation process returns a mismatch record, the worker must attempt to correct the mismatched information. If the worker is unsuccessful, the worker must contact the member to correct the information.
Inform the member if the SSN validation process indicates another person is using the same SSN. Do not provide the member with information identifying the person using the member's SSN. The member should contact the Social Security Administration to request an investigation.
Providing an SSN is voluntary. If someone refuses to provide an SSN, they are denied, and their income is deemed to the assistance group. Food unit members that do not provide an SSN are ineligible. Disqualify only the person without the SSN, not the entire food unit. An applicant proving good cause for not applying for an SSN is the only exception.
Use documents or collateral information from the food unit member, the SSA, the income maintenance (IM) or tribal agency, and any other sources to determine if good cause exists.
Apply good cause if the applicant or member has made every effort to supply the SSA with the necessary information to complete an application for an SSN. Good cause does not include delays due to illness, lack of transportation or temporary absences. SSA makes provisions for mail-in and online applications instead of applying in person.
If the household member applying for an SSN has been unable to obtain the documents required by SSA, due to good cause, the worker must assist the individual in obtaining these documents.
If the household member can show good cause for why an application for a SSN has not been completed, that person is allowed to participate for one month in addition to the month of application. Good cause for failure to apply must be shown monthly in order for such a household member to continue to participate.
For a newborn member, verify the SSN or that an application for an SSN has been made. A parent or guardian of a newborn may begin an SSN application while still in the hospital.
Do not deny benefits when documentation shows that an SSN application has been submitted. A completed Application for a Social Security Card form (SS-5) is proof of application for an SSN for a newborn food unit member.
If the applicant or member is unable to provide proof of application for an SSN for a newborn, the member must provide the SSN or proof of application at the next renewal. If the member is unable to provide an SSN or proof of application for an SSN at the next renewal, review good cause exceptions. Deny FoodShare benefits for the newborn if the food unit refuses to provide an SSN for the newborn without good cause.
If a FoodShare applicant refuses to provide an SSN for themselves and/or any other household member based on a sincere religious objection allow them and all otherwise eligible members of the food unit to receive FoodShare.
The IM worker may check with the SSA or query whether an SSN exists for the person. Workers can use an existing SSN for verification and matching purposes without further notice to the food unit member.
This page last updated in Release Number: 23-02
Release Date: 08/14/2023
Effective Date: 08/14/2023
Notice: The content within this manual is the sole responsibility of the State of Wisconsin's Department of Health Services (DHS). This site will link to sites outside of DHS where appropriate. DHS is in no way responsible for the content of sites outside of DHS.
Publication Number: P-16001