State of Wisconsin
Department of Health Services

Release 24-03
December 18, 2024

View History

4.1.1 General Financial Eligibility

7 CFR 273.9

Eligibility and benefit calculations for FoodShare are based on prospectively budgeted monthly income using estimated amounts. If the most recent 30 days or month’s income doesn’t accurately represent what is usually received, a longer period can be used to obtain an average that more accurately represents the income that is anticipated to be received prospectively. The income to be budgeted is identified through the interview (see Section 2.1.3 Interviews) and the verification (see Section 1.2.1 Verification Introduction) process. Only include income actually available to the food unit. Do not budget income until the first month in which it is received. The IM worker must use the best-verified information available when determining the best estimate of income.

If the most recent 30 days or month’s income doesn’t accurately represent what is usually received, a longer period can be used to obtain an average that more accurately represents the income that is anticipated to be received prospectively. Income is typically budgeted in the same manner it is received (weekly/biweekly/monthly/quarterly/annually/etc.) There may be scenarios where income is budgeted differently than the frequency with which it is received. For example, the income is intended to cover months when no income is received.

Disregardmeans do not count, exempt, or exclude means do not count, exempt, or exclude. Disregard any gain or benefit that is not in the form of money paid directly to the food unit. Examples of these in-kind benefits are meals, clothing, housing, and garden produce.

DeemDeem means allocate income, assets, and/or expenses to the food group from an individual not in the food group means allocate income and/or expenses to the FoodShare assistance group from an individual not in the FoodShare assistance group. Deeming occurs regardless of whether the allocated amounts change hands. Deeming may occur for sponsored immigrants, or for members of the food unit who are not included in the FoodShare assistance group due to non-financial ineligibility.

This page last updated in Release Number: 20-02
Release Date: 08/03/2020
Effective Date: 08/03/2020

Notice: The content within this manual is the sole responsibility of the State of Wisconsin's Department of Health Services (DHS). This site will link to sites outside of DHS where appropriate. DHS is in no way responsible for the content of sites outside of DHS.

Publication Number: P-16001