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2.1.1 Initial certifications (applications)

7 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 273.2(d) Application Process Application Forms New Application Required Due to Break in Service Setting the Filing Date Verbal Requests For FoodShare Benefits Faxed Application Registrations Application Registrations at the Wrong Agency Application Registrations At The Wrong Office Within The Correct Agency SSA Participation in FS Applications SSA Worker Responsibility SSI Applicants in Public Institutions


A new application for FoodShare benefits is required whenever an individual or family makes a request for FoodShare benefits and:

  1. they have not received FoodShare benefits in Wisconsin in the past, or

  2. they have received FoodShare benefits, but a break in service has occurred. Application Process

The FoodShare application process includes:

  1. Submitting an application by:

    1. submitting a name, address, and signature on an initial application registration form to set a filing date through CARES Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support Client Registration,

    2. using the FoodShare Wisconsin Application Form ( F-16019A or F-16019B ) OR

    3. completing the application via ACCESS.  

  2. Completing a face to face or telephone interview. (,

  3. Verifying certain information (1.2.1), and

  4. Confirming the FS FoodShare eligibility determination in CARES (2.1.7).


The FoodShare Wisconsin Application F-16019A must be readily accessible to potentially eligible FS recipients who choose not to set a filing date the same day they are in the FS office.


Assistance must be provided to schedule the interview, provide an interpreter, provide access due to a disability, etc. if needed. Local agencies must encourage individuals to file an application registration for FS on the same day they express an interest in FoodShare or show concerns about food insecurity.


When a person completes an application registration for FoodShare benefits, the application filing date must be documented by recording the date of receipt at the FoodShare office. An application interview cannot be initiated prior to setting a filing date. Application Forms

The state has created an online application for FoodShare.  The ACCESS Application can be found at the following site,


The paper application for FoodShare has been developed for use when the CARES system is unavailable. It can also be given to clients who request a paper application form and for SSA Social Security Administration staff when they accept applications for households where all household members are applying for or receiving SSI Supplemental Security Income. The form is found on the Eligibility Management web site at


For ease of distribution and use, the form has been printed in the following manner:

FoodShare Wisconsin Registration Form - F-16019A includes the Registration Form and Important Information (Replaces DES-11605).


FoodShare Wisconsin Application Form - F-16019B  includes the Registration Form, Important Information (Part 1) and the Application form (Part 2). This replaces DES-2035 for FS applications.


Registration Form - This will be completed by the customer and used to set the initial application filing date for FoodShare. This portion of the form is designed to be separated from the other sections so that it can be mailed, faxed or handed in to the ESA to set the FS application filing date. This form also collects information to determine eligibility for priority services.


Additional Information Form - This section describes the applicant/recipient's rights and responsibilities. This portion of the form is designed to be separated from the Registration Form and/or the Application Form so that the customer can read and keep this information for his/her records.


Application Form - This section gathers the information necessary to determine FoodShare benefit eligibility. This portion is designed to be separated from the other sections so that it can be submitted to the ESA agency. Application and recertification interviews are required for FS, however this paper application form will serve as a back-up for the CARES generated Application Summary.  Local agencies may also receive completed F-16019B applications from Social Security Agencies (SSA) when an application interview has been completed with SSI recipients at the SSA office. New Application Required Due to Break in Service

A "break in service" occurs when the final day of the FS closure month has passed and FS have not reopened during the month following the month of case closure. Except in the situations listed below, a break in service requires the person or group to reapply and complete the application process if they wish to receive benefits.


The only exceptions are if the break in service is caused by any of the following agency actions:

  1. a client requests an appointment before the end of his or her certification period but no recertification appointment is available before the case closes,

  2. the group contains a member who is a migrant any person who temporarily leaves a principal place of residence outside of his state and comes to this state for not more than 10 months in a year to accept seasonal employment in the planting, cultivating, raising, harvesting, handling, drying, packing, packaging, processing, freezing, grading, or storing of any agricultural or horticultural commodity in its unmanufactured state (8.3.9)and received FS in the previous thirty days, or

  3. the 10 days for clients to provide verification has not yet passed.


In such instances, the worker should document the reason for the late recertification and set the program request date for the first of the month so that there is no pro-ration of benefits.


Example 1: Sam requests an appointment to recertify his FS benefits on September 25th, his benefits end on September 30th. The first available appointment is October 3rd. Sam meets with his worker on October 3rd. Sam's worker sets the program request date for October 1st so the agency's delay does not cause a pro-rated FS amount. The worker documents in case comments the reason for the late certification.


Example 2: Raquel’s FS case closes December 31 for failure to verify information. On January 1, Raquel turns in the requested verification. This is not a break in service. Raquel is not required to file a new FS application. Setting the Filing Date

In situations where a new application is required, the filing date is set when the agency receives one of the following:

  1. a client registration is completed and a signed RFA Request For Assistance is submitted; or

  2. a signed 1-page application registration form (F-16019A); or

  3. a completed, signed FoodShare Wisconsin Application Form (F-16019B ), or

  4. an ACCESS Application containing an electronic signature.


Example 3: A FS case has been open since March. The 12-month review was due by February 28. The client did not show for the scheduled review appointment. It is now March 3 and s/he is calling to request a review appointment. In this scenario, the client would need to reapply for FS and benefits would be pro-rated from the date a signed application registration form is received either from client registration in CARES or F-16019A. This case would also require an evaluation for expedited services (2.1.4).


The FS Application Registration form is used when an applicant comes into the agency, requests FS, but cannot stay to complete Client Registration in CARES because of their schedule or because there is not sufficient time or personnel to complete Client Registration before the office closes to the public. Mail (if applicant calls) or hand the form to the applicant. The filing date is the day the signed application/registration is delivered to the appropriate Income Maintenance agency or the next business day if it is delivered after the agency's regularly scheduled business hours.


The filing date on an ACCESS application is the date the application is electronically submitted or the next business day if submitted after the agency's regularly scheduled business hours.


This procedure was set up to ensure customers have the opportunity to set a filing date the first day they contact the agency. In some instances, the customer may request to take this form or a FS Application with them. These materials should be made available for the customer to take. However, it is important for the agency representative to explain that:


  1. The filing date cannot be set until the agency receives a signed application or application registration form. These may be paper F-16019A or F-16019B  ACCESS application or generated from CARES.

  2. Although a priority service (2.1.4) determination is not required until the signed application registration form is received, when screening a potential applicant over the phone, information regarding the need for priority service may be gathered in order to schedule an interview appointment during the phone conversation. The filing date cannot be set without a signature, however a request for assistance can be documented and the application registration form can be mailed to the potential applicant along with an appointment notice.

  3. A telephone interview may not be completed until the filing date has been set. Verbal Requests For FoodShare Benefits


Although verbal requests for FoodShare benefits are not valid, local agencies must encourage individuals to file an application or set a filing date for FS on the same day they express an interest in FoodShare Wisconsin or concerns about food insecurity.


Local agencies must not discourage households from applying for FS if their application or benefits for another program have been denied or  terminated. In this situation, the local agency shall encourage the household to continue with the FS application process. Faxed Application Registrations

7 CFR 273.2(c)(1)

Local FS agencies should accept faxed application registrations to initiate the application process and set the filing date. No benefits should be issued, or any final determination of a household's eligibility be made until an interview is completed and an application with an original signature is received by the FoodShare office. Faxed application registrations received on weekends, holidays or after hours should be considered received on the first working day following receipt of the application registration. Application Registrations at the Wrong Agency

7 CFR 273.2(c)(2)(ii)

As of June 15, 2009, FoodShare applicants are no longer required to apply for assistance in the county in which they reside.   The filing date for FS will be set wherever an application is submitted, regardless of whether the customer submits the application in the county in which s/he resides. The case must still be processed and maintained by the local agency in the applicant’s county of residence.


When an ACCESS application or RFA is submitted to a county other than the county of residence, the county that received the application or RFA should transfer it to the correct county’s inbox the same day that it is submitted to allow the county of residence time to schedule a priority service interview, if necessary. The file date will not be reset when the application or RFA is transferred.


Mailed or faxed applications received by a county other than the county of residence should be date stamped and faxed to the county of residence the same day that it is submitted to allow the county of residence time to schedule a priority service interview, if appropriate. The file date is the date the application was received in any FoodShare agency.


If an applicant walks in to an agency other than the county of residence to apply, that agency should complete Client Registration and have the customer sign the application registration to set the filing date. Once Client Registration is completed, the RFA should be transferred to the county of residence. Application Registrations At The Wrong Office Within The Correct Agency

If a person comes into the wrong office, but is in the right county to apply for FS, s/he must be allowed to set the filing date. The agency will complete Client Registration in CARES, or have the person complete the application registration, schedule an eligibility interview in the correct office, transfer the case if necessary, and give the client notice of the appointment and location. SSA Participation in FS Applications

7 CFR 273.2(k)

If an SSI applicant or recipient lives alone or in a household where all FS group members receive or are applying for SSI, s/he has the right to apply for FS at the ES agency or at the SSA office handling his/her SSI case.


When the SSI applicant or recipient is eligible for this option, s/he is not required to go to an ES agency to apply for FS. The SSA must assist the applicant in completing the application form and submit the application to the ES agency for the applicant. SSA will refer SSI recipients who contact them to inquire about FS benefits to the ES agency. Anyone who applies for FS at the SSA office is told of their option to apply at the ES agency and that doing so may expedite receipt of FoodShare benefits. SSA Worker Responsibility

    1. Decide if the SSI applicant/recipient is eligible to apply for FS at the SSA office.

    2. Interview the FS applicant and accept the FS Application.

    3. Screen the FS applicant for priority service and help the FS applicant complete the application.

    4. Mail the completed application to the ES agency within 1 federal workday.


Reminder: SSI applicants who want FS priority service must complete the FoodShare Wisconsin Application Registration form to be submitted by the SSA to the ES agency.


The FS interview conducted by SSA replaces the regular application interview by the ESA. An additional interview by the ES agency is not required. The ES agency will process these FS applications and contact the SSI applicant by other means if more information is needed to process the application. SSI Applicants in Public Institutions

Residents of public institutions may apply for SSI prior to their release under the SSA Prerelease Program. SSA staff will accept a FS application from the person at the same time they apply for SSI under this program.


When SSA forwards a FS application to the ESA for a resident of a public institution, the time period for processing the application begins the date the resident is released from the institution. Process the application within 30 days after the applicant's release.


































This page last updated in Release Number: 09-02

Release Date: 06/26/09

Effective Date: 06/26/09