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4.2.1 Categorical Eligibility Categorical Eligibility Introduction Case Processing Special Circumstances Transitional FoodShare Benefits


7 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 273.2(j)(2) Categorical Eligibility Introduction

Most FoodShare groups are considered categorically eligible if their gross income is at or below 200% FPL and the language describing "JobNet" Services, a partially TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funded service that all food unit members are authorized to receive, is issued to the group on a CARES Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support generated notice of decision. The following text will appear on FS FoodShare approval and change notices.


"Wisconsin JobNet is available to you. JobNet is the single largest source of job openings in Wisconsin, you can access JobNet via the internet at or on touch screen monitors at your local job center. To locate a Job Center nearest you call 1-888-258-9966."


The FS group is not categorically eligible if any member of its food unit loses FS eligibility because s/he:

  1. Total gross income is above 200% (8.1.4),

  2. Was disqualified for an IPV Intentional Program Violation (3.14.1)or,

  3. Was disqualified due to a drug felony sanction (3.19.1).


Food Units that contain a member who is sanctioned for an IPV or Drug Felony continue to be eligible to receive TANF JobNet services so assets are excluded and not deemed.  The sanctioned food unit member's income continues to be deemed.


If the household's gross income goes over 200% of FPL, the case will close. A negative notice will be sent with reason code 013: Income reported exceeds the program eligibility standard.


Do not test a categorically eligible FS group against the FS asset, gross income and net income limits. Calculate the group's net income to determine its allotment amount.  Continue to verify residency and sponsored alien information because JobNet does not collect this information.  


Categorically eligible FS groups with zero benefit allotment amounts will be denied. The denied or closed FS group can file a new application and complete an intake interview if they wish to be reconsidered for FS eligibility. Case Processing

CARES will deny or close the FS case automatically when the FS group's adjusted income is greater than the allotment amount.  CARES will issue a closure notice that will include reason code 557: "Your net income exceeds the level to receive FoodShare benefits."


If the group is required to re-apply for FS, after being closed the group must be assessed for priority service, have a new filing date set, and complete an intake interview. If the group provides verification within the month following the month of case closure, which resolves ineligibility, FS reopen without the group needing to reapply for FS.  Benefits are prorated from the date the HH took the required action. Special Circumstances

Food units with zero FS benefits in their initial benefit month and a FS allotment greater than 0 in the second month will be denied in the first month and opened in the second month. If the benefit calculation is zero for the first two months, the case will be denied. The 12- month FS certification period will begin the month of application even though the first month may be denied because the allotment amount is zero.


Example 1: Barry applied for FS in August after he lost his job. In the FS benefit determination for August and September, Barry received zero for August (due to excess income) and $98 in September. His certification period starts in August. Transitional FoodShare Benefits

If the FS benefit is reduced to zero for the month between the benefit determination month and the month TFS begins, the case will remain open.  See 5.1.1 Transitional FoodShare Benefits (TFS).


Example 2: Donna got a job in July and her last W-2 Wisconsin Works check was issued in August. Her TFS benefit starts in September. Her income from her new job caused her allotment to be reduced to zero for August. The case remains open during the month of August and her TFS benefits start in September.






















This page last updated in Release Number: 07-03

Release Date: 10/01/07

Effective Date: 10/01/07