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6.2.1 Interagency Case Transfers

7 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 273.3(b)

When a FS FoodShare case moves from one agency to another within Wisconsin, the agency is responsible for transferring the case from the old county of residence to the new county of residence. When an inter-county move is reported or discovered, the agency that is notified or discovered the move is responsible for collecting the necessary verification and transferring the case.


Once a case has been transferred to a new agency, it should not be transferred back unless the transfer-out agency has to process an overpayment or close out a W-2 Wisconsin Works placement. If there are questions about the information entered on the case or problems with the way the case was transferred, the new worker should contact the old worker to get the required information. Do not transfer the case back to the transfer-out agency to have them complete outstanding items.


Note: See 5.1.1 TFS Benefits for policy related to transferring TFS cases

Note: See Deny Benefit Increases Due To Penalties In Other Programs for information on not increasing benefits for individuals who are penalized in other programs.






This page last updated in Release Number: 09-01

Release Date: 05/01/09

Effective Date: 05/01/09