State of Wisconsin |
Release 25-01 |
Medical support refers to the obligation that a parent has to pay for their child’s medical care, either through the provision of health insurance coverage or direct payment of medical bills. The CSA is responsible for establishing medical support orders for some children receiving BadgerCare Plus who have an absent parent. The CSA is also responsible for establishing paternity and establishing medical support obligations for unpaid and ongoing medical support (including recovery of birth costs.)
When the non-marital father of the unborn child is not included in the BadgerCare Plus group at the initial eligibility determination he could be held responsible for repayment of birth costs.
The income maintenance (IM) agency provides the CSA with information vital to opening medical support cases. The IM agency also supplies continuing information, which assists the CSA in providing medical support services.
For health care applications, new health care requests on existing cases, and person add requests that include minor children who have an absent parent, a referral is systematically sent to the CSA at the time health care eligibility is confirmed, with the exception of the situations listed in Section 5.2.2 Exemptions from Cooperation.
Detailed questions about absent parents (such as, name, Social Security Number, date of birth, or contact information) cannot be asked during the application process for health care-only applications. The referral will still be sent to the CSA, even if the absent parent’s name is unknown (see Process Help, Section 65.1 Enter Parent Information).
Note |
A Referral to Child Support form (DCF-F-DWSP3080) only needs to be completed when the Absent Parent page cannot be completed in CWW . |
While IM agencies are to continue referring the following individuals who are receiving BadgerCare Plus, the CSAs will be determining on their own, which cases will be provided child support services. Not all BadgerCare Plus members will qualify for free child support services or be required to cooperate with CSA’s.
The following individuals (including minors) for whom BadgerCare Plus is requested or being received, must be referred to the local CSA with the exceptions noted below:
In addition, do not refer the following:
This page last updated in Release Number: 23-03
Release Date: 08/14/2023
Effective Date: 08/14/2023
The information concerning the BadgerCare Plus program provided in this handbook release is published in accordance with: Titles XI, XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act; Parts 430 through 481 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter 49 of the Wisconsin Statutes; and Chapters HA 3, DHS 2 and 101 through 109 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
Notice: The content within this manual is the sole responsibility of the State of Wisconsin's Department of Health Services (DHS). This site will link to sites outside of DHS where appropriate. DHS is in no way responsible for the content of sites outside of DHS.
Publication Number: P-10171